Review: "The First Christmas Children’s Book (Portuguese): Remembering the World’s Greatest Birthday (Portuguese Children Books on Life and Behavior Livro 2)"

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Eu recomendo fortemente o livro The First Christmas Children’s Book (Portuguese): Remembering the World’s Greatest Birthday (Portuguese Children Books on Life and Behavior Livro 2), de Mr. Nate Gunter. É um livro encantador que ensina crianças sobre o verdadeiro significado de Natal. A história conta a jornada de um grupo de crianças que embarca em uma aventura através da terra, aprendendo sobre a origem do Natal e descobrindo o que o feriado significa para as pessoas em todo o mundo. O livro usa personagens inclusivos para ensinar as crianças sobre diversidade e respeito mútuo. Além disso, o livro contém muitas atividades divertidas para ajudar as crianças a se engajar com a narrativa, como desenhar, pintar, ler e usar a imaginação.
O livro é escrito em linguagem simples que as crianças entenderão facilmente. As ilustrações são bonitas e coloridas, o que ajuda a reforçar o ensinamento das lições de Natal. Além disso, o autor, Nate Gunter, incluiu muitas atividades divertidas que as crianças certamente adorarão. O livro também trata de assuntos importantes, como aceitação e diversidade, tornando-o um excelente livro para uso educacional.
Eu recomendo The First Christmas Children’s Book (Portuguese): Remembering the World’s Greatest Birthday (Portuguese Children Books on Life and Behavior Livro 2) para as crianças que querem aprender sobre o significado do Natal. É um livro maravilhoso, cheio de lições importantes sobre a diversidade e respeito mútuo. É divertido, educativo e contém atividades que mantêm as crianças interessadas. Todos os adultos devem ler o livro antes de levá-lo para as crianças, pois ele contém conteúdo adequado para as crianças de todas as idades.
Acesse a amostra grátis e sinta um gostinho do que você irá encontrar no livro The First Christmas Children’s Book (Portuguese): Remembering the World’s Greatest Birthday (Portuguese Children Books on Life and Behavior Livro 2) sem pagar nada!
Leia online um trecho do livro e curta a experiência antes de adquirir a versão completa.
Pages: 52
Series number: 11
Series type: Children’s Books on Life and Behavior
Series category: Christmas, annual traditions, culture, multigenerational
Series genre: Fiction
Children reading ages: Average age 8-10 years
Children reading grade level: Average 3rd-5th grade
Children illustration ages: Average 4-12 years
Reading crowd: Children to adult
Reading length: Average 15-30 minutes
Reading style: Family narration storyline.
Story tellers: Adults (parents, guardians, grandparents, teachers, pastors)
Historical setting: Roman Empire, Israel, Bible times, Old Testament, New Testament
Religion: Christianity
Purpose: Christmas reading, Christmas gifts, educational, relational, generational, and spiritual
Contextual Use: Family, home, school, church, neighborhoods, outreach, kid’s club, plays, teaching
Story time suggestion: Christmas, Christmas eve, plays, reading club, church, Sunday school, kid’s classroom, summer reading
Holiday/annual event: Christmas
Welcome to Mr. Nate Books! Mr. Nate Books is a children’s book collection that brings a world of all ages together with illustration, imagination, and instruction – reading the world differently! The First Christmas Children’s Book is the 11th children’s book launched in the independent children’s book collection during Fall 2021, Children’s Books on Life and Behavior series. These can be used as Christian fiction books and for Christian education in homes, churches, schools, reading clubs, plays, etc.
BOOK DESCRIPTION:How do I introduce my kids and family to the Christmas story of Jesus? How do I know which Bible verses to read? How do I explain the Bible passages and story of Jesus? How do I include children in the Christmas story time? How do I start a helpful discussion of what Christmas is all about? These great questions from grandparents, relatives, parents, pastors, and teachers arise from the annual opportunity to read about and explain Christmas – the birth of Jesus. The greatest birthday in history is the reason for the annual Christmas season.
EBOOK:Free eBook with purchase of paperback or hardback in certain retailers. After purchase, come back to the eBook edition to download.
HOW TO USE THE BOOK:Annually read as an introductory book or reminder about Christmas. Discuss the reading questions and guide kids to sound understanding of the reason for the Christmas season. Use the Bible references throughout the book for more reading. Even great for single parents, guardians, and relatives to provide a helpful and fuller family reading experience within the book. Express your own Christmas experiences, good or bad, to help children understand you have come while guiding them to learn of Jesus’ birth — Christmas.
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