Eu recomendo o livro "Preserving Food by Modern Homemade Recipes for Long Time (English Edition)" de Oscar Fleming. É um livro de receitas de conservação de alimentos que ensina formas modernas de preservação de alimentos em casa. As receitas deste livro são simples e práticas, e permitem que qualquer um tenha facilidade em preservar seus alimentos de forma segura e eficiente.

Este livro é muito útil para aqueles que querem preservar seus alimentos por um período de tempo prolongado, como as pessoas que gostam de cozinhar e compartilhar alimentos. As receitas ensinam como preservar alimentos por meio de técnicas modernas, como salga, secagem, congelamento, fermentação e conservas.

O autor, Oscar Fleming, fornece todas as informações e orientações necessárias para preservar os alimentos de forma segura, assim como dicas sobre como aproveitar os alimentos preservados. Os leitores também aprenderão sobre os diferentes tipos de embalagens e materiais de embalagem que são importantes para preservar os alimentos.

O livro também fornece informações sobre os benefícios e riscos do consumo de alimentos preservados, além de dicas para segurança alimentar. Os leitores também vão aprender como armazenar alimentos de forma segura, assim como como evitar o desperdício de alimentos.

Eu recomendo este livro para qualquer pessoa que goste de preservar alimentos em casa. Ele ensina técnicas modernas de conservação e armazenamento de alimentos, bem como informações sobre segurança alimentar e dicas para evitar o desperdício de alimentos. É um livro útil para todos que querem conservar alimentos de forma segura e eficiente.


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The issue of preserving food for a long time has always been relevant. The climate conditions stimulated our population of latitudes to suit this direction of economic activity quite responsibly.Since ancient times, the preparation of food for the winter has been necessary and important. Moments in the life of every average family.A good hostess will not be embarrassed by the arrival of an unexpected guest if she knows that in the required quantity there are all kinds of canned food. Ripening time vegetables, fruit, mushrooms pass very quickly. But how does the rule of the russian majority manage to prepare enough pickles, jams, marinades, juices and other all kinds of canned food options.As for fish and meat, many people are afraid to prepare them for the future, preferring to buy in stores.Cost considers the main way of product conservation. The owner of the cellar may without any problems prepare him for the "giver" winter. On a nice, well-equipped cellar, can store fresh roots and fruit (apples, pears), dried fish, pickles, turnips, jams, homemade grapes, corned beef.The most famous types of processing raw materials in our country are still conservation, salting, pickling and drying.During drying and drying, moisture is removed from the product. How this is a good topic what allows storing mushrooms, berries and fruit in a fairly long term. At the same time, products under proper storage conditions will not lose their useful properties.Salting, pickling, and urination are the most common ways of emptying vegetables. Exactly the way canned cucumbers, tomatoes, watermelon, cabbage, apples. During preservation, the development of lactic acid bacteria is taking place, which, in turn, develops sour milk, which ensures the safety of the product. The high acid content of milk prevents the development of mold and bacterial rot, that's why salty vegetables are not indulgent.Currently, preservation without sterilization is common in small-degree countries, because this method requires a large amount of vinegar. In preservation with after heat processing its proportions are significantly reduced, which gives a more delicate flavor and at the same time ensures a long shelf life of the blanks. More often, mushrooms are prepared for preservation without sterilization, because they are more convenient to store in tightly closed containers. Preservation of spices ensures acetic acid of various origins.In the absence of a cellar, it is best to prepare food by preserving it. This method requires sterilization or pasteurization, because in this case harmful microbes are killed almost completely and vegetables are better stored.To prevent the development of mold and putrefactive bacteria, you can add a little acetic acid and some spices. When canning it is necessary to hermetically seal the container with the product.Recently, the method of harvesting products with help quickly snows. In this case the raw material is stored in the freezing compartment of the refrigerator for a long time. This method is mainly applied to berries, green plants, fruit and gourmet vegetables.Berries and berries prepare by adding sahara: in using large amounts of sugar in the form of marmalade, marmalade, marmalade, marmalade, with smaller - in the form of porridge, juices and jellies.Sometimes the mistress of canned berries and fruit is generally without the sahara, using only heat processing raw materials.Leia mais


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