Eu recomendo o livro "Healthy Drink Recipes: All Natural Sugar-Free, Gluten-Free, Low-Carb, Paleo and Vegan Drink Recipes with Max. 5 Ingredients" de Elviira Krebber. Este livro é ideal para aqueles que querem ter uma dieta saudável e equilibrada. Com este livro, você pode desfrutar de deliciosas bebidas saudáveis, sem açúcar, sem glúten, de baixa caloria, paleo e veganas, usando no máximo 5 ingredientes. Além disso, também fornece informações úteis sobre os nutrientes saudáveis dos ingredientes e como aproveitar ao máximo seus benefícios. Os passos para fazer as receitas são muito simples e as instruções são claras. As receitas são versáteis e podem ser adaptadas para se adequar a uma variedade de níveis de experiência de culinária. O livro contém informações sobre os diferentes tipos de bebidas, seus nutrientes e benefícios, bem como informações sobre como escolher os melhores ingredientes para suas bebidas. É uma ótima fonte de informações para quem quer seguir uma dieta saudável e variada. Por tudo isso, recomendo fortemente este livro a todos que desejam ter uma dieta mais saudável.
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An essential book for all those following sugar-free, gluten-free, low-carb, paleo, vegan or clean food diet. The recipes are also perfect for weight loss. Also diabetics will find them helpful.Everyone needs to drink a lot during the day, but drinking pure water might become boring really fast. With these recipes you can get lots of variation to your everyday drinks as well as parties and special occasions.The recipes are divided into four sections:- Infused Water Variations- Iced Tea Creations- Guilt-Free Lemonade & Co.- Alcoholic DrinksAll the recipes in this book are:- sugar-free- gluten-free- vegan- paleo- all natural- with less than 1 grams net carbs per serving- with maximum 5 ingredientsEach recipe is accompanied with a stunning photo taken by the author.About the author:Elviira Krebber is a former music scientist and computational linguist who is nowadays a guru in developing simple and healthy recipes with organic and natural ingredients. Interested in nutrition, diets and healthy recipes for all her life, in 2012 she finally began to share simple and healthy recipes with mouthwatering photos on her blog,, hoping to help people find easy alternatives for the food and drinks they consume. Several thousands of people visit Elviira’s blog daily to find simple and healthy gluten-free, sugar-free, low-carb recipes. The blog has currently over 50,000 Facebook followers, making Elviira one of the most FB-followed individual low-carb recipe developers in the world. She also blogs in Finnish for phrases:Healthy drink recipesSugar-free drink recipesLow-carb drink recipesGluten-free drink recipesPaleo drink recipesVegan drink recipesDiabetic-friendly drink recipesDrink recipes under 1 gram carbsDrink recipes with maximum 5 ingredientsDrink recipes for weight lossDrink recipes for diabeticsInfused Water RecipesSugar-Free Iced Tea RecipesHealthy Lemonade RecipesSugar-Free Lemonade RecipesLow-Carb Cocktail RecipesKetogenic Drink RecipesLeia mais
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