Eu recomendo fortemente o livro "Gastric Bypass Cookbook: 100+ Tasty and Healthy Breakfast Recipes", escrito por Kenneth Allen. O livro é incrivelmente informativo, oferecendo uma variedade de opções saudáveis e deliciosas para o café da manhã. Ele é destinado a pessoas com cirurgia de bypass gástrico, mas pode beneficiar todos os leitores que desejam melhorar sua saúde e nutrição.
O livro é bem organizado e estabelece uma boa estrutura ao tratar de assuntos cruciais, como o manejo de calorias, ingestão diária de fibras, escolha adequada de alimentos e ingestão de líquidos. Todos esses assuntos são explicados de forma detalhada, tornando-o fácil de entender para leitores de todos os níveis.
Outra vantagem deste livro é que ele contém mais de 100 receitas que são fáceis de preparar e estão repletas de nutrientes nutritivos para manter uma boa saúde. Essas receitas foram pensadas para satisfazer o paladar de todos os leitores, além de serem equilibradas em nutrientes, o que significa que você não precisa se preocupar com a ingestão de muitas calorias.
Além de oferecer receitas saudáveis, o livro também contém dicas e truques para melhorar ainda mais a sua saúde. Por exemplo, ele contém conselhos sobre como controlar seus níveis de açúcar no sangue, como preparar refeições saudáveis e como se preparar para a mudança de estilo de vida pós-bypass gástrico.
O livro é ideal para aqueles que desejam adotar uma dieta saudável, com boa nutrição. Aproveite ao máximo essas deliciosas e saudáveis receitas e comece a melhorar a sua saúde agora mesmo. Eu recomendo fortemente o livro "Gastric Bypass Cookbook: 100+ Tasty and Healthy Breakfast Recipes" de Kenneth Allen.
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When they need to get their weight under control, some people decide to get surgery called gastric bypass. Others are told by their doctors that they need to have surgery, so they are forced to go through with it. After the procedure, you will need to adhere to a specific diet and way of life, just as you would after any other type of surgery. Before we look at the adjustments to your lifestyle that you would need to make, let's first go over what the surgery entails.While you are recovering from gastric bypass surgery, check out these one hundred incredible breakfast recipes.Did you know that according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 42.4% of Americans are either overweight or obese?Have you attempted to control your weight in a variety of ways, but none of them have been successful?Have you tried a variety of diets, but none of them seemed to work?This is a problem that frequently arises with obesity. Although some people are able to lose a significant amount of weight when they experiment with different diets and make changes to their lifestyle, not everyone is able to successfully lose weight. Obesity is associated with a wide range of health problems, the most serious of which may require surgical intervention in the form of a gastric bypass. During this operation, the surgeon will make a channel from the stomach to the small intestine so that food can move more easily between the two. The operation reduces the size of your stomach significantly, which causes you to experience satiety more quickly. Because your body is unable to process all of the food that you consume, you will need to maintain a diet both before and after the operation.Even though the diet you follow before surgery helps your body get ready for it, the diet you follow after surgery is far more important because it will determine whether or not you experience any complications. Maintaining your weight while also assisting your body in the healing process requires you to strictly adhere to this diet. Additionally, the diet provides sufficient time for the body to adjust or adapt to changes in the manner in which food is consumed.This is the right book for you to read if you intend to go through with the surgical procedure.In this book, you will learn how to:Acquaint yourself with the gastric bypass procedure and how your eating habits will change after the operation.Acquire an understanding of the various phases of the gastric bypass diet.When you start eating solid foods, it is important that you educate yourself on how to keep your weight stable.Get access to a variety of recipes that you can use on this diet, in addition to other helpful resources.Leia mais
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